I am a Research Scientist at Google Cloud AI Research based in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Previously, I did my DPhil (the Oxford way of saying PhD) in the Machine Learning Research Group, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford.
Reviewer/program committee member at ACL (2023-24), AutoML-Conf (2023-24), COLM (2024), CVPR (2024), ECCV (2024), EMNLP (2023-24), ICLR (2024-25), ICML (2023-24), JMLR, Machine Learning, NeurIPS (2022-23), WACV (2022-24), etc.
Area chair/senior program committee member at NeurIPS (2024), ICML (2025), ACL ARR (2025-); Action editor at TMLR.
DPhil (PhD), Machine Learning, 2019 - 2023
University of Oxford
BA, MEng, Engineering Science. First-class Honours, 2015 - 2019
University of Oxford